Top Dog American Should Enjoy Its Last, Precious Years Commentary by Gideon Rachman in the
Financial Times Monday, June 4, 2007
Kain d'Albert Eugene 1900
Louise Charpentier Gustave 1900
The Rose Of Persia Sullivan Sir Arthur 1900
The Juggler of Notre Dame (Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame) Massenet Jules 1900
Zaza Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1900
Fregolinette Varney Louis 1900
Tosca Puccini Giacomo 1900
La Fiancee de Thylda Varney Louis 1900
Mademoiselle George Varney Louis 1900
Les barbares Saint-Saens Camille 1901
Fräulein Leutnant Lehar Franz 1901
The Rival Poets German Edward 1901
Das Club-Baby Lehar Franz 1901
Arabella, die Kubamerin Lehar Franz 1901
Rusalka Dvorak Antonin 1901
Le maschere Mascagni Pietro 1901
Romeo -- Juliet and Darkness Fischer Jan 1902
Princesse Bebe Varney Louis 1902
Chérubin Massenet Jules 1902
Le Chien du regiment Varney Louis 1902
Dimitrij Dvorak Antonin 1902
Pelléas et Mélisande Debussy Claude 1902
Germania Franchetti Alberto 1902
La tilda Cilea Francesco 1902
Der Rastelbinder Lehar Franz 1902
Merrie England German Edward 1902
Der Improvisator d'Albert Eugene 1902
Adriana Lecouvreur Cilea Francesco 1902
Le billet de Joséphine Kaiser Alfred 1902
Siberia Giordano Umberto 1903
My Lady Molly Jones James Sidney 1903
The Medal and the Maid Jones James Sidney 1903
Tiefland d'Albert Eugene 1903
A Princess of Kensington German Edward 1903
Cendrillon Viardot Pauline 1904
Jenufa Janacek Leos 1904
Die Juxheirat Lehar Franz 1904
Der Göttergatte Lehar Franz 1904
Der Roland von Berlin Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1904
Madama Butterfly Puccini Giacomo 1904
Ariane Massenet Jules 1904
Hélène Saint-Saens Camille 1904
Tatjana Lehar Franz 1905
Re Enzo Respighi Ottorino 1905
Amica Mascagni Pietro 1905
The Merry Widow Lehar Franz 1905
La Vida Breve de Falla Manuel 1905
Salome Strauss Richard 1905
Die lustige Witwe Lehar Franz 1905
L'age d'or Varney Louis 1905
Tiefland [rev] d'Albert Eugene 1905
Flauto solo d'Albert Eugene 1905
Die schwarze Nina Kaiser Alfred 1905
Der Wildling Zajc Ivan 1905
Thérèse Massenet Jules 1905
See, See Jones James Sidney 1906
Maskarade Nielsen Carl 1906
La jeunesse de Figaro Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1906
Peter und Paul reisen im Schlaraffenland Lehar Franz 1906
La coppa del re Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1906
Elektra Strauss Richard 1906
L'ancêtre Saint-Saens Camille 1906
Der Schlüssel zum Paradies Lehar Franz 1906
Francesca da Rimini Rachmaninoff Sergey 1906
The Miserly Knight Rachmaninoff Sergey 1906
Tom Jones German Edward 1907
Mstislaw der Moderne Lehar Franz 1907
Ariane et Barbe-Bleue Dukas Paul 1907
Tragaldabas d'Albert Eugene 1907
Bacchus Massenet Jules 1907
Marcella Giordano Umberto 1907
L'uccellino d'oro Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1907
Monna Vanna Rachmaninoff Sergey 1907
Gloria Cilea Francesco 1907
Il grillo del focolare Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1908
Der Mann mit den drei Frauen Lehar Franz 1908
Tatárjárás Kálmán Imre 1908
The King of Cadonia Jones James Sidney 1908
Don Quichotte Massenet Jules 1908
Savitri Holst Gustav 1908
Fallen Fairies German Edward 1909
The Golden Cockerel (Le coq d'or) Rimsky-Korsakov Nicolai 1909
A Persian Princess Jones James Sidney 1909
Erwartung Schoenberg Arnold 1909
Ein Herbstmanöver Kálmán Imre 1909
Il matrimonio selvaggio Cilea Francesco 1909
Roma Massenet Jules 1909
Izeÿl d'Albert Eugene 1909
Sous le voile Kaiser Alfred 1909
Der Graf von Luxemburg Lehar Franz 1909
Das Fürstenkind Lehar Franz 1909
Semirama Respighi Ottorino 1910
Zigeunerliebe Lehar Franz 1910
L'arlesiana [rev 2] Cilea Francesco 1910
Malbrouck Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1910
La Fanciulla del West Puccini Giacomo 1910
Hugh the Drover Williams Ralph Vaughn 1910
Az obsitos Kálmán Imre 1910
Stella Maris Kaiser Alfred 1910
Mese Mariano Giordano Umberto 1910
Maia Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1910
Der Rosenkavalier Strauss Richard 1911
Ariadne auf Naxos Strauss Richard 1911
Der gute Kamerad Kálmán Imre 1911
Oce nas Zajc Ivan 1911
Die Spieluhr Lehar Franz 1911
Isabeau Mascagni Pietro 1911
L'heure espagnole (The Spanish Hour) Ravel Maurice 1911
Conchita Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1911
Eva Lehar Franz 1911
Déjanire Saint-Saens Camille 1911
Maddalena Prokofiev Serge 1911
Cléopâtre Massenet Jules 1911
Panurge Massenet Jules 1911
I Gioielli della Madonna Wolf-Ferrari Ermanno 1911
Der Zigeunerprimas Kálmán Imre 1912
The Distant Sound (Der ferne Klang) Schreker Franz 1912
La reginetta delle rose Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1912
Mona Parker Horatio 1912
Der kleine König Kálmán Imre 1912
Prvi grijeh Zajc Ivan 1912
Zingari Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1912
Melenis Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1912
Die verschenkte Frau d'Albert Eugene 1912
Liebesketten d'Albert Eugene 1912
The Blue House Kálmán Imre 1912
The Land of the Misty Water Cadman Charles Wakefield 1912
Rosenstock und Edelweiss Lehar Franz 1912
Theodor Körner Kaiser Alfred 1913
Die ideale Gattin Lehar Franz 1913
Parisina Mascagni Pietro 1913
Kivándorlók Kálmán Imre 1913
Julien ou La vie du poète Charpentier Gustave 1913
L'amour au faubourg Charpentier Gustave 1913
The Girl From Utah Jones James Sidney 1913
Are you There? Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1913
Mimi Pinson Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1913
Gold gab ich für Eisen Kálmán Imre 1914
Francesca da Rimini Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1914
Die Frau ohne Schatten Strauss Richard 1914
Endlich allein Lehar Franz 1914
Le Rossignol (The Nightingale) Stravinsky Igor 1914
Marie-Victoire Respighi Ottorino 1914
Doktor Faust Busoni Ferrucio 1914
I Mori di Valenza Ponchielli Amilcare 1914
TREEMONISHA Joplin Scott 1915
The Gambler Prokofiev Serge 1915
La candidata Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1915
Zsuszi kisasszony Kálmán Imre 1915
Die Csárdásfürstin Kálmán Imre 1915
Madame Sans-Gêne Giordano Umberto 1915
A Florentine Tragedy (Eine florentinische Tragödie) Zemlinsky Alexander von 1916
Violanta Korngold Erich Wolfgang 1916
Prestami tua moglie Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1916
Der Ring des Polykrates Korngold Erich Wolfgang 1916
The Happy Day Jones James Sidney 1916
Goffredo Mameli Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1916
Der Sterngucker Lehar Franz 1916
Die toten Augen d'Albert Eugene 1916
La rondine Puccini Giacomo 1917
Die Faschingsfee Kálmán Imre 1917
Lodoletta Mascagni Pietro 1917
Arlecchino Busoni Ferrucio 1917
Die Gezeichneten (Those marked by the seal) Schreker Franz 1918
Il Tabarro [Trittico] Puccini Giacomo 1918
Der Stier von Olivera d'Albert Eugene 1918
Shanewis or The Robin Woman Cadman Charles Wakefield 1918
Suor Angelica [Trittico] Puccini Giacomo 1918
Bluebeard's Castle [Duke] Bartok Bela 1918
A Pacsirta Lehar Franz 1918
Gianni Schicchi [Trittico] Puccini Giacomo 1918
The Diary of One Who Disappeared Janacek Leos 1919
Sì Mascagni Pietro 1919
A chi la giarrettiera? Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1919
The Fiery Angel Prokofiev Serge 1919
Revolutions-hochzeit d'Albert Eugene 1919
Intermezzo Strauss Richard 1919
La via della finestra Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1919
Das Hollandweibchen Kálmán Imre 1920
Edipo Re Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1920
Die Tote Stadt Korngold Erich Wolfgang 1920
Die blaue Mazur Lehar Franz 1920
Giove a Pompei Giordano Umberto 1921
Il piccolo Marat Mascagni Pietro 1921
Katya Kabanova (Kát'a Kabanová) (Kata Kabanova) Janacek Leos 1921
Die Bajadere Kálmán Imre 1921
Der Zwerg (The Dwarf) Zemlinsky Alexander von 1921
Scirocco d'Albert Eugene 1921
Die Tangokönigin Lehar Franz 1921
The Love for Three Oranges Prokofiev Serge 1921
Frühling Lehar Franz 1922
Frasquita Lehar Franz 1922
La danza della libellule [rev. Der Sterngucker] Lehar Franz 1922
Kleider machen Leute (The Clothes Make the Man) Zemlinsky Alexander von 1922
The Cunning Little Vixen Janacek Leos 1922
Giulietta e Romeo Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1922
La bella dormente nel bosco Respighi Ottorino 1922
Ciottolino Ferrari-Trecate Luigi 1922
Pierozzo Ferrari-Trecate Luigi 1922
Sancta Susanna Hindemith Paul 1922
Mavra Stravinsky Igor 1922
The Sunset Trail Cadman Charles Wakefield 1922
Diana Zádor Jeno 1923
La via della finestra [rev] Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1923
Mareike von Nymwegen d'Albert Eugene 1923
Il primo bacio Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1923
Belfagor Respighi Ottorino 1923
Die gelbe Jacke Lehar Franz 1923
La cena delle beffe Giordano Umberto 1924
Gräfin Mariza Kálmán Imre 1924
Cloclo Lehar Franz 1924
The Seal Woman Bantock Sir Granville 1924
The Student Prince Romberg Sigmund 1924
La Virgen de Mayo Torroba Federico Moreno 1925
Wozzeck Berg Alban 1925
The Garden of Mystery Cadman Charles Wakefield 1925
Paganini Lehar Franz 1925
Mala Floramy (Little Floramy) Tijardovic Ivo 1925
La maschera nuda Leoncavallo Ruggiero 1925
Orpheus Orff Carl 1925
L'enfant et les sortileges Ravel Maurice 1925
I cavalieri di Ekebù Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1925
Der Golem d'Albert Eugene 1926
Die Zirkusprinzessin Kálmán Imre 1926
A Witch of Salem Cadman Charles Wakefield 1926
Gigolette Lehar Franz 1926
The Ghost of Lollypop Bay Cadman Charles Wakefield 1926
La bella e il mostro Ferrari-Trecate Luigi 1926
Lelawala Cadman Charles Wakefield 1926
Turandot Puccini Giacomo 1926
Cardillac Hindemith Paul 1926
Der Protagonist Weill Kurt (Julian) 1926
Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny Weill Kurt (Julian) 1927
The Poisoned Kiss Williams Ralph Vaughn 1927
There and Back (Hin und zurück) Hindemith Paul 1927
Golden Dawn Kálmán Imre 1927
Royal Palace Weill Kurt (Julian) 1927
Na und? Weill Kurt (Julian) 1927
Jonny spielt auf (Johnny Strikes Up the Band) Krenek Ernst 1927
La campana sommersa Respighi Ottorino 1927
Show Boat Kern Jerome 1927
Das Wunder der Heliane Korngold Erich Wolfgang 1927
Der Zarewitsch Lehar Franz 1927
Giuliano Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1928
Revisor Zádor Jeno 1928
Splitski akvarel Tijardovic Ivo 1928
Sir John in Love Williams Ralph Vaughn 1928
Die Dreigroschenoper Weill Kurt (Julian) 1928
Jesse James Moore Douglas 1928
Der Zar lässt sich photographieren Weill Kurt (Julian) 1928
A holtak szigete Zádor Jeno 1928
The Belle of Havana Cadman Charles Wakefield 1928
Die schwarze Orchidee d'Albert Eugene 1928
Die Herzogin von Chicago Kálmán Imre 1928
Friederike Lehar Franz 1928
The Threepenny Opera (Die Dreigroschenoper) Weill Kurt (Julian) 1928
Happy End Weill Kurt (Julian) 1929
Il re Giordano Umberto 1929
Orpheus [rev] Orff Carl 1929
Das Land des Lächelns Lehar Franz 1929
TRANSATLANTIC Antheil George 1930
Arabella Strauss Richard 1930
Schön ist die Welt Lehar Franz 1930
Frühlingsmädel Lehar Franz 1930
Das Veilchen von Montmartre Kálmán Imre 1930
Der Jasager Weill Kurt (Julian) 1930
X-mal Rembrandt Zádor Jeno 1930
Orphée Charpentier Gustave 1931
Harpies, The Blitzstein Marc 1931
The Awaking of Sleeping Beauty Zádor Jeno 1931
Ronny Kálmán Imre 1931
The Harpies Blitzstein Marc 1931
Die Bürgschaft Weill Kurt (Julian) 1932
Moses und Aron Schoenberg Arnold 1932
Maria Egiziaca Respighi Ottorino 1932
Gloria [rev] Cilea Francesco 1932
South in Sonora Cadman Charles Wakefield 1932
Mister Wu d'Albert Eugene 1932
Luisa Fernanda Torroba Federico Moreno 1932
Der Fürst der Berge Lehar Franz 1932
Der Teufelsreiter Kálmán Imre 1932
La farsa amorosa Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1933
Der Silbersee Weill Kurt (Julian) 1933
Una partita Zandonai Riccardo(Antonio Francesco) 1933
THE EMPEROR JONES Gruenberg Louis 1933
Die ägyptische Helena Strauss Richard 1933
Der Kreiderkreis Zemlinsky Alexander von 1933
As Thousands Cheer Berlin Irving 1933
La fiamma Respighi Ottorino 1934
Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District Shostakovich Dmitri 1934
Der Kuhhandel Weill Kurt (Julian) 1934
MERRY MOUNT Hanson Howard 1934
Giuditta Lehar Franz 1934
La Chulapona Torroba Federico Moreno 1934
Le astuzie di Bertoldo Ferrari-Trecate Luigi 1934
Four Saints in Three Acts Thomson Virgil 1934
White Wings Moore Douglas 1935
Porgy and Bess Gershwin George 1935
Der Weg der Verheissung Weill Kurt (Julian) 1935
A Kingdom for a Cow Weill Kurt (Julian) 1935
The Fall of the Antichrist Ullmann Viktor 1935
Nerone Mascagni Pietro 1935
Kaiserin Josephine Kálmán Imre 1936
Cyrano de Bergerac Alfano Franco 1936
Down in the Valley Weill Kurt (Julian) 1936
Johnny Johnson Weill Kurt (Julian) 1936
Cradle Will Rock, The Blitzstein Marc 1936
Asra Zádor Jeno 1936
Der König Kandaules Zemlinsky Alexander von 1936
Lucrezia Respighi Ottorino 1937
Lulu Berg Alban 1937
Carmina burana Orff Carl 1937
Tanz der Spröden Orff Carl 1937
The Eternal Road Weill Kurt (Julian) 1937
I've Got The Tune Blitzstein Marc 1937
Mr Fortune Nordoff Paul 1937
The Headless Horseman Moore Douglas 1937
Die Kathrin Korngold Erich Wolfgang 1937
The Cradle Will Rock Blitzstein Marc 1937
Amelia Goes to the Ball Menotti Gian Carlo 1937
L'arlesiana [rev 3] Cilea Francesco 1937
Riders to the Sea Williams Ralph Vaughn 1937
The Duchess of Malfi Thomson Virgil 1938
Brundibar Krasa Hans 1938
Mathis der Maler (Mathias the Painter) Hindemith Paul 1938
Naaman: the Leprosy of War Gundry Inglis 1938
Knickerbocker Holiday Weill Kurt (Julian) 1938
Christoph Columbus Zádor Jeno 1939
Railroads on Parade Weill Kurt (Julian) 1939
Semyon Kotko Prokofiev Serge 1939
Il malato immaginario Napoli Jacopo 1939
Der Mond Orff Carl 1939
Klage der Ariadne [rev] Orff Carl 1939
The old Maid and the Thief Menotti Gian Carlo 1939
The Devil and Daniel Webster Moore Douglas 1939
Tanz der Spröden [rev] Orff Carl 1940
Betrothal in a Monastery Prokofiev Serge 1940
Ghirlino Ferrari-Trecate Luigi 1940
The Ballad of Magna Carta Weill Kurt (Julian) 1940
Der Zerbrochene Krug (The Broken jug) Ullmann Viktor 1941
Lady in the Dark Weill Kurt (Julian) 1941
The Masterpiece Nordoff Paul 1941
No For An Answer Blitzstein Marc 1941
Paul Bunyan Britten Benjamin 1941
The Return of Odysseus Gundry Inglis 1941
Khan Buzay Prokofiev Serge 1942
The Island God Menotti Gian Carlo 1942
Oklahoma Rodgers Richard 1943
Garabonciás diák Lehar Franz 1943
Die Kluge Orff Carl 1943
Catulli carmina Orff Carl 1943
One Touch of Venus Weill Kurt (Julian) 1943
L'orso re Ferrari-Trecate Luigi 1943
The Emperor of Atlantis Ullmann Viktor 1943
Miseria e nobilità Napoli Jacopo 1945
The Firebrand of Florence Weill Kurt (Julian) 1945
Marinka Kálmán Imre 1945
Peter Grimes Britten Benjamin 1945
The Rape of Lucretia Britten Benjamin 1946
Annie Get Your Gun Berlin Irving 1946
The Medium Menotti Gian Carlo 1946
The Partisans Gundry Inglis 1946
The Telephone Menotti Gian Carlo 1947
The Mother Of us All Thomson Virgil 1947
Street Scene Weill Kurt (Julian) 1947
The Story of a Real Man Prokofiev Serge 1947
Brigadoon Loewe Frederick 1947
Albert Herring Britten Benjamin 1947
Die Bernauerin Orff Carl 1947
Love Life Weill Kurt (Julian) 1948
The Beggar's Opera Britten Benjamin 1948
Distant Seas Prokofiev Serge 1948
Buricchio Ferrari-Trecate Luigi 1948
Regina Blitzstein Marc 1949
Antologia di Spoon River Negri Gino 1949
Slow Dusk Floyd Carlisle 1949
Lost in the Stars Weill Kurt (Julian) 1949
Avon Gundry Inglis 1949
Antigonae Orff Carl 1949
Giants in the Earth Moore Douglas 1949
The Emperor's New Clothes Moore Douglas 1949
The Consul Menotti Gian Carlo 1950
Puss in Boots Moore Douglas 1950
The Enchanted Pear Tree Overton Hall 1950
Der Mond [rev] Orff Carl 1950
Jonah Beeson Jack 1950
Un curioso accidente Napoli Jacopo 1950
Source: Your Gateway to Opera on the Web.

In the distance to the right, the Opera House of Minsk, Belarus; following the conclusion of World War II/The Great Patriotic War.
[Click on image for enlargement.]
Photo credit: With thanks.