Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Henry Kissinger On The Atlanticist Community And The 21st Century

"Mistakes were made on both sides of the Atlantic. The proclamation by the Bush administration of a new strategic doctrine of preemptive war was one of them. The doctrine was intellectually defensible in light of changed technology, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and terrorism. But announcing unilaterally what appeared as a radical change of doctrine ran counter to traditional alliance practice.

In the end, the issue of multilateralism vs. unilateralism does not concern procedure but substance. When purposes are parallel, multilateral decision follows nearly automatically. When they diverge, multilateral decision making turns into an empty shell. The challenge to the Atlantic Alliance has been less the abandonment of procedure than the gradual evaporation of a sense of common destiny.

Both sides seem committed to restoring a more positive collaboration....

With her systematic scientist's approach, Merkel will avoid choosing between Atlanticism and Europe or confusing sentimental moves toward Russia with grand strategy. Matter-of-fact, serious and thoughtful, she will strive to be a partner for a set of relationships appropriate to the new international order -- one that refuses to choose between France and the United States but rather establishes a framework embracing both.... Scope needs to be left for the elaboration of a German view of the future.

The key challenge before the Atlantic nations is to develop a new sense of common destiny in the age of jihad, the rise of Asia, and the emerging universal problems of poverty, pandemics and energy, among many others."

Henry A. Kissinger "Will Germany's Coalition Work?" Washington Post, November 22, 2005.

Farny Cathedral [Franciscan], Grodno, Belarus. First completed in 1705.

Grodno was largely spared the massive destruction inflicted upon other Belarusan cities, by the Nazis, in the Second World World. The western city contains some of the oldest and finest Orthodox and Catholic religious structures in Belarus, with some Orthodox Church structures dating back to the 11th century. Belarus, in the 11th century, was the major center for the development of Slavonic Orthodox musical chant.


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