More On Whether The Washington NATIONAL Opera Should Be Allowed To Break Its Promise To Congress To Produce One American Opera Each And Every Season

JW said...
I know this is tilting at windmills, but [Porgy & Bess]? They couldn't do any effing better than that? Pathetic.
8:08 AM January 14, 2009
Garth Trinkl said...
Thanks John.
No, I don't think it is tilting at windmills. The Washington Opera gained international status recently by producing fine productions of 'A View from the Bridge' and 'Sophie's Choice', as well as 'Vanessa', 'Susannah', and 'Of Mice and Men'.
As you may know, the Washington Opera petitioned Congress to be allowed to rename itself the Washington NATIONAL Opera. In so petitioning, it promised Congress that it would produce one American opera each and every season.
The Washington Opera is reported to want to break this promise, and yet keep the Washington NATIONAL Opera title.
While I am insignificant in the eyes of the Washington musical establishment, I am hoping that Michelle Obama and Caroline Kennedy, if not Senator John D. "Jay" Rockefeller IV, Sharon Percy Rockefeller, and Hillary Clinton, will keep the Washington NATIONAL Opera from reneging on its promise to Congress to produce one American opera each and every season.
For the Washington NATIONAL Opera to break this promise would represent corruption, in my opinion.
Photo credit: (c) Ken Howard 2008. Via Opera America website. Copyright controlled. All rights reserved.
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