Another Massacre of the Innocents In Lieu Of Allowing A State Of Palestine On Remnants Of Historically Palestinian Land

"At least 666 Palestinians have been killed, including 215 children."
"At least 48 people, among them women and children, had been killed during an Israeli attack near two UN schools which were being used by local residents seeking refuge from the bombing. The UN slammed the "complete absence of accountability" for the escalating number of civilian deaths in Gaza, arguing that the "rule of the gun" had gained increasing prominence. The incident was the single biggest loss of life since the Israeli aircraft hit the al-Fakhora school in the Jabaliah refugee camp several days earlier."
Global Insight January 7, 2009
"The only stable solution is a two-state one, with the Palestinians getting all of the West Bank, Gaza and Arab sectors of East Jerusalem"
Thomas L. Friedman "The Mideast’s Ground Zero" New York Times January 6, 2009
Photo credit: The Holy Innocents by Giotto di Bondone via Wikimedia Commons.
Photo credit: (c) Mohammed Abed/Agence France-Presse Getty Images. Copyright conrolled. All rights reserved.
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