Two Small Steps For Mankind? ... For One Weekend, Classical WETA-FM Finally Programs Symphonic Works By Mahler, Bruckner, Sibelius, And Shostakovich
The reactionary managers of "Greater Washington's" public Classical WETA-FM must have lost a significant battle with WETA President and CEO Sharon Percy Rockefeller and the WETA Board of Directors. This weekend -- its "Symphony Weekend" -- the so-called "public radio station" for the Nation's Capital has programmed Bruckner's Symphony #5, Mahler's Symphony #4, Sibelius's Symphony #7, and Shostakovich's Symphony #5 -- works banned from the public radio station for the past year.
[During its first weeks starting in late January 2007 after WETA-FM abandonned its all-news experiment and following the takeover of Classical-WETA by refugee managers, announcers, and critics from junior WETA-FM/WGMS-FM merger partner WGMS, some brave announcer did program both a Bruckner Symphony and an Alan Hovhaness Symphony. That individual was probably fired by the incoming reactionary WGMS manager for programming a non-WGMS computer tested work of classical music. By the next few weeks, Frederick the Great of Prussia was firmly enthroned at the newly-branded Classical WETA/WGMS-FM for Greater Washington.]
Classical WETA/WGMS-FM -- with the National Symphony Orchestra and taxpayer money -- has promised a couple of hours of American classical music for Wednesday, July 2, 2008, at 9 PM.

American classical painter Sean Scully (born in Ireland)
Wall of Light
A Recent Gift to The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
Sean Scully on why he makes art
American painter Sean Scully Wall of Light Paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Phillips Collection, and the Fort Worth Museum of Fine Arts (and other American classical art museums).
This exhibition features recent work by abstract artist Sean Scully (American, b. Ireland, 1945), specifically his Wall of Light series of paintings, watercolors, pastels, and aquatints. Inspired by the artist's first visits to Mexico in the early 1980s, where he observed the play of light and shadow on ancient stone walls, this ongoing and distinctive body of work focuses on an exploration of abstract forms affected by light, evoking a range of emotional and narrative themes. Paintings from 1998 to the present are constructed with rectangular bricklike forms, closely fitted and arranged in horizontal and vertical groupings as if in a wall, and characterized by broad, gestural brushstrokes, a wide range of luminous colors built up in layers, and varying degrees of overall light and darkness. The core of the exhibition features 30 small-, medium-, and large-scale paintings on canvas, with related watercolors, pastels, and aquatints.
Anne L. Strauss, Associate Curator in the Department of Nineteenth-Century, Modern, and Contemporary Art, has organized the exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.
Accompanied by a publication.
The exhibition is made possible by Paula Cussi and Ignacio Garza Medina.
Corporate support is provided by UBS.
"Sean Scully: Wall of Light" was organized by The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
Image credit: (c) Sean Scully via The Phillips Collection. 2008. All rights reserved. With thanks.
[During its first weeks starting in late January 2007 after WETA-FM abandonned its all-news experiment and following the takeover of Classical-WETA by refugee managers, announcers, and critics from junior WETA-FM/WGMS-FM merger partner WGMS, some brave announcer did program both a Bruckner Symphony and an Alan Hovhaness Symphony. That individual was probably fired by the incoming reactionary WGMS manager for programming a non-WGMS computer tested work of classical music. By the next few weeks, Frederick the Great of Prussia was firmly enthroned at the newly-branded Classical WETA/WGMS-FM for Greater Washington.]
Classical WETA/WGMS-FM -- with the National Symphony Orchestra and taxpayer money -- has promised a couple of hours of American classical music for Wednesday, July 2, 2008, at 9 PM.

American classical painter Sean Scully (born in Ireland)
Wall of Light
A Recent Gift to The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
Sean Scully on why he makes art
American painter Sean Scully Wall of Light Paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Phillips Collection, and the Fort Worth Museum of Fine Arts (and other American classical art museums).
This exhibition features recent work by abstract artist Sean Scully (American, b. Ireland, 1945), specifically his Wall of Light series of paintings, watercolors, pastels, and aquatints. Inspired by the artist's first visits to Mexico in the early 1980s, where he observed the play of light and shadow on ancient stone walls, this ongoing and distinctive body of work focuses on an exploration of abstract forms affected by light, evoking a range of emotional and narrative themes. Paintings from 1998 to the present are constructed with rectangular bricklike forms, closely fitted and arranged in horizontal and vertical groupings as if in a wall, and characterized by broad, gestural brushstrokes, a wide range of luminous colors built up in layers, and varying degrees of overall light and darkness. The core of the exhibition features 30 small-, medium-, and large-scale paintings on canvas, with related watercolors, pastels, and aquatints.
Anne L. Strauss, Associate Curator in the Department of Nineteenth-Century, Modern, and Contemporary Art, has organized the exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.
Accompanied by a publication.
The exhibition is made possible by Paula Cussi and Ignacio Garza Medina.
Corporate support is provided by UBS.
"Sean Scully: Wall of Light" was organized by The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
Image credit: (c) Sean Scully via The Phillips Collection. 2008. All rights reserved. With thanks.
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