Monday, November 27, 2006

MEDICI: GODFATHERS -- The Renaissance According To Contemporary Public Television In America

Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance - - Birth of a Dynasty/The Magnificent Medici

Birth of a Dynasty - After centuries in which the Catholic Church has controlled thought and ideas, one city at the heart of 15th-century Europe is poised on the threshold of an intellectual and artistic revolution. Cosimo de' Medici and his father have established the world's largest banking business, whose "clients" include popes and princes. Outwitting his political rivals and establishing his family at the heart of Republican Florence, Cosimo uses his phenomenal wealth to scour the continent for relics of antiquity, breathing new life into the study of the ancient past. As Cosimo's power grows, his friend Brunelleschi builds a great dome over the cathedral of Florence. It will become the greatest achievement in western architecture since ancient times. Donatello and Lippi create original works for the Medici family, and a great religious festival is held in Florence, sparking a new explosion of classical learning and inventive thinking. Florence flourishes as a new Rome. When Cosimo dies, the Florentine republic declares him "Father of the Nation." The Magnificent Medici - Withstanding attacks from bitter enemies, including the pope, Cosimo's young grandson Lorenzo becomes a driving force of the Renaissance. When his beloved brother is assassinated, his supporters take instant revenge on those who stand against the Medici family. With his power reinforced, Lorenzo delivers in full the creative revolution conceived by his grandfather. Some of the greatest artistic genius the world has ever known flourishes under Lorenzo: Michelangelo, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci and more - and Florence is hailed as the cultural capital of the world. But a vicious backlash emerges. A young monk named Savonarola rails publicly against the decadence and sinfulness of the city. When Lorenzo dies in 1492, his family is driven from the city and Savonarola leads Florence in a fury of fundamentalist Jewelry, wigs, fancy clothes and many great works of art are purification. destroyed in the now infamous "bonfire of the vanities [sic]."

Tuesday, November 28 at 9 PM on WETA in the Nation's Capital. Two hours.

Savonarola leading Florence in a fury of fundamentalist Jewelry...

Photo credit: With thanks.



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