Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Euro Strong, The People Confident, Both The European Union And 'The Other Europe' Reach For Sustainable Economic Development

"The European Commission on Wednesday called for tougher than expected cuts to Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions, slashing the caps of nine of 10 countries whose trading plans it assessed.

Stavros Dimas, environment commissioner, wanted a further 7 per cent reduction to the caps governments planned for the 2008-12 period, which is also 7 per cent below the level of carbon produced in 2005.

"Today’s decisions send a strong signal that Europe is fully committed to achieving the Kyoto target and making the EU emissions trading scheme a success,” he said.

“The Commission has assessed the plans in a consistent way to ensure equal treatment of member states and create the necessary scarcity in the European carbon market.”

Mr Dimas said the same standards would be applied to the plans that had yet to be submitted.

The changes would put the EU on course to fulfil its pledge to reduce its emissions by 8 per cent from 1990 levels by the year 2012.

However, the cuts to plans covering 42 per cent of total EU emissions was less than the 10 per cent many green campaigners and businesses said was needed to give the scheme credibility and investors security. ...

Germany, the EU’s biggest emitter, was told to reduce its cap by a further 6 per cent. The Commission also told it to close a 14-year exemption for new coal-fired power stations, which it considers constitutes illegal state aid.

Lithuania was asked to make the biggest cut, from a proposed 16.6m tonnes of carbon to 8.8m. In 2005 it produced 6.6m. Sweden, Greece, Slovakia, Latvia, Ireland, Malta and Luxembourg must all reduce their caps." ...

Andrew Bounds "EU emissions caps tighter than expected" Financial Times November 29, 2006

Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, Ignalina, Lithuania, European Union.

Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Malta are in the European Union (and Turkey is expected to soon be in it); while the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and other European nations, are treated as poor (but often less polluted) cousins.

Photo credits: Wikimedia and With thanks.


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