Monday, October 05, 2009

Pan Cogito Pulls Out Of Secret National Symphony Orchestra And Classical WETA-FM Endorsement Agreements: Faces Fines Of $1,221,000; Must Return Strad

"The Federal Trade Commission will require bloggers to clearly disclose any freebies or payments they get from companies for reviewing their products.

It is the first time since 1980 that the commission has revised its guidelines on endorsements and testimonials, and the first time the rules have covered bloggers.

But the commission stopped short Monday of specifying how bloggers must disclose any conflicts of interest.

The FTC said its commissioners voted 4-0 to approve the final guidelines, which had been expected. Penalties include up to $11,000 in fines per violation.

The rules take effect Dec. 1."

Associated Press "Bloggers Must Disclose Payments for Reviews" New York Times October 6, 2009


English: The image of the Spanish II Stradivarius (1687-1689) on exhibit at Palacio Real de Madrid (home of the only complete quintet of Stradivarius instruments).
Español: Stradivarius Español II de la colección del Palacio Real de Madrid.
Italiano: Un violino Spagnoli II Stradivarius esposto al Palazzo Reale di Madrid.
Deutsch: Spanisch II Stradivari-Violine im Palacio Real, Madrid.


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