Monday, February 23, 2009

Renaissance Research Conservatory Project Pop Quiz: Which Of Stravinsky's Late Masterpieces Did The Composer Record In New York City Fifty Years Ago?

Actually 50 years and one month ...


Photo is of the Stravinsky Museum in Ustylug, Ukraine, Future European Union. Courtesy of the Government of Ukraine.

(c) 2003: Володимир-Волинська райдержадміністрація, Районна рада, вул.Соборна, 3


Ustylug is located in Volyn near the Polish and Belarus borders. This region currently ranks among Ukraine's and Europe's poorest areas, due to a lack of recent investment and a declining infrastructure. There are efforts by ecotourism and cultural tourism concerns, working with government and private businesses, to reverse this decline. The area is dotted by numerous ruins of castles and shtetls, lakes, and marshes.


"Volyn land is rich in natural and spiritual sources. One of these sources is Ustylug that wrote not one page to the history of the region. It is a city of district subordination that is situated on the border with Poland on a right bank of Zakhidnyi Bug, near a mouth of Luga River. That is how the origin of city name is explained. The first note of the city in Slavonic chronicles is dated 1150. There are a lot of well-kept facts about activity of the family of Gavrylo Nosenko, famous Kyivan doctor who has estate in Ustylog and did a lot for social development of the city. Due to his family the city became a home for three generations of Stravinskyi: famous bass of Saint Petersburg Mariinskyi Theatre Fedor Stravinskyi, his son, worldwide known Igor Stravinskyi, and the son of the latter, Fedor Stravinskyi, prominent Swiss artist. Having married to Catherine Nosenko, I. Stravinskyi in 1907 built a house on his own project for his family in Ustylug (presently there is his museum).

A visiting card of Ustylug is international music festival "Stravinskyi and Ukraine". In 2007 there was IV international music festival to the 125th anniversary of the composer’s birthday. Famous stars from Hungary, Poland and Czechia were among the guests of the festival. Those who visit museum of the composer with linden valley planted with his own hands will come to the mouth of Luga River and understand beauty and greatness of native land, cradle of I. Stravinskyi’s muse." ...



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